HolyCoast: 9/11 - Some Reader's Stories
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Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 - Some Reader's Stories

Last year I did a 9/11 Reader's Project in which many readers submitted their 9/11 stories and were run on this site. If you click on the 9/11 label you'll find all of them.

I had a few new submissions this year, and I'm running them below.

From Joanne:
For some reason that day I didn't watch the morning news. I caught an early bus to work. The man who let me in the back door at work said "how safe do you feel living in the U.S." then he said you need to call your husband. My husband tells me what happened. I remember screaming oh my god is my boy alright. My husband kept my son out of school that day. Right after that 9/11 my son became really scared. He was 7 I begin missing a lot of knifes. I found them under my sons bed. He told he was going to kill the terrorists with the knifes. My son was scared to go places where there were a lot of people.I was scared myself. I still have the news paper cliping it is titled "We Shall Never Forget". We were living in WA State.
From Linda:
I was watching news on TV and Charlie Gibson broke into the program. He said, with a chuckle in his voice, that he thought an airplane had hit one of the World Trade Center towers. I was watching, and then sat horrified as the next plane hit. I was as stunned as the rest of the nation, and couldn’t break away from the TV all day long.

I called my sister in Denver. She was at work, and they had just heard it. Of course, work must go on.

I think the whole nation came together as one. I wonder what has happened in the eight years since then?

From Michael:
I remember how blue the sky was that morning. And the sense of helplessness the rest of the day.
From Lew:
I walked into a teacher's room at school and saw the first building burning. (Her class was at PE)

Since I was picking up something, I didn't stick around to find out more. And by the time I tried, there weren't any empty classrooms to watch TV.

We had an early dismissal and I was picked up by my wife and children and went home. We left my car at school, and picked it up a couple days later.

School was cancelled for at least the next day and we stayed home that day. My children were in middle school.

1 comment:

real estate agent in Vancouver BC said...

thank your for the stories. sad reading but true. and we need the true to remember we have to fight for freedom and democracy and we should not forget about all the victims and pray for them.