HolyCoast: ACORN Nuts Shelled by Census Bureau
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Friday, September 11, 2009

ACORN Nuts Shelled by Census Bureau

From Major Garrett at Fox News:
@MajoratWH: Breaking: Census director tells ACORN in letter all ties to group being severed for data collection as part of 2010 census.
Democrats will be very disappointed. I expect Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to immediately call for the scalp of the head of the Census Bureau.

UPDATE: From Bret Baier on Special Report:
"The census director has now sent a letter to the national headquarters of ACORN notifying them that the Census Bureau is severing all ties with ACORN for all the work having to do with the 2010 Census, either in preparation for or the execution of the 2010 Census. ... A copy of this letter has been sent to Congress and relevant committees. ... Major Garrett is working this story."

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

It's was past overdue that someone in a position of authority stand up and say enough is enough. I'm glad to see a stand has finally been taken to severe ACORN from having anything to do with the 2010Census. This group has caused more than enough trouble for the U.S. Now since these nuts have been shelled, they should be salted, canned, and be put away from the public's view.