HolyCoast: ACORN's Leader Tries a Different Approach
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Sunday, September 20, 2009

ACORN's Leader Tries a Different Approach

After being caught in a collection of lies and half-truths about her organization as tape-after-tape of ACORN misconduct was rolled out, Bertha Lewis, the head of the criminal organization, tried a different approach in an interview on Fox News:
ACORN's top officer said Sunday that she was "outraged" by the content of secret videotapes showing her organization's employees offering advice to undercover filmmakers posing as a pimp and prostitute, as she pledged to "reform" the inner workings of the activist group.

Chief organizer Bertha Lewis tried to calm a growing firestorm over the behavior of her group's employees. Allegations of voter registration fraud and other ethical lapses have plagued ACORN for years, but the secret videotapes were the last straw for the group's critics -- as well as its long-time defenders.

The videotapes, filmed by two conservative activists, led to both the House and Senate voting to de-fund ACORN last week. Many Democrats joined Republicans in voting for the measures.

Lewis initially took a defiant tone against the criticism of her organization when the tapes were first made public by filmmaker James O'Keefe. But that stance softened as more tapes were revealed -- so far detailing hidden-camera operations at five separate locations across the country.

"Any organization is not entirely perfect," Lewis said on "FOX News Sunday." "I was outraged by it. Everyone should be, and I can understand how the Congress was also."

She said any employee "too stupid" not to adhere to professional standards will be terminated.

"Internally, let's have some reform," Lewis said. "It's indefensible what I saw (in the tapes)."

President Obama, in an interview broadcast Sunday, also said he favors an investigation into ACORN.

I'm sure she's outraged that they got caught, and outraged that the folks at Big Government so carefully released the tapes one at a over nearly a week, giving Lewis plenty of opportunity to hang herself and the organization in the process. However, given ACORN's past, I don't think anyone is buying the story that they'll be able to police themselves, or that we've seen the last of the corruption.

My guess is Big Government still has a few bombs in their arsenal.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

So now Bertha is "outraged," when before she was hurling accusations against the filmmaker.

Like any sensible person could believe anything that comes out of that woman's mouth.