HolyCoast: Another ACORN Video Drops Tonight
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another ACORN Video Drops Tonight

BigGoverment.com tells Human Events another ACORN bomb is about to go off:
“There are more,” Mike Flynn, Editor-in-chief of new site BigGovernment.com, told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview this afternoon regarding the number of undercover films exposing ACORN. Flynn would not reveal the location of the ACORN office where the latest video was filmed, but he said, “It’s a slightly different discussion in this one than you’ve seen so far.” The video should break around 9 p.m. EST.

Flynn said this is not the last one, either. “There are more after that. It is amazing. Stay tuned.”
Speculation is this one's from San Diego and could involve something to do with illegal aliens. We'll see.

Meanwhile, ACORN, reeling from the body blows it's already taken, has suspended certain operations while they attempt to clean house:
ACORN, calling the actions of some of its employees "indefensible," has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.

ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was "ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN's service programs until completion of an independent review."

The actions were taken, she said, "as a result of indefensible action of a handful of our employees."

Videos of ACORN workers giving tax advice to people posing as prostitutes and other revelations have led to growing criticism of the organization in recent days.
It's not over yet.

UPDATE: Video here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will be on Hannity on the FOX News Channel tonight at 9 p.m.
Unless www.BigGovernment.com
- Andrew Breitbart's new genius site - breaks it first.