HolyCoast: Completely Unsolicited Fashion Advice for Michael Steele
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Completely Unsolicited Fashion Advice for Michael Steele

RNC Chairman Michael Steele was making the TV rounds yesterday responding to various Democrats who are trying to make a racial case for opposition to Obama. Here's a screenshot from CNN:
With all due respect, Mr. Chairman, don't wear a bow-tie. When I see an African-American wearing a bow-tie I immediately think "Nation of Islam".That's a connection Steele really doesn't want to make.


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Really? I thought he looked very retro and stylish and didn't think of his being associated with Nation of Islam at all.

Nightingale said...

Friends don't let friends wear bow-ties. Or green eye-shadow for that matter.