HolyCoast: Dems Booed Bush During State of the Union Address
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dems Booed Bush During State of the Union Address

Today we'll see a full-court attempt to demonize Rep. Joe Wilson who now famously shouted "You Lie!" at Obama during last night's health care speech. He'll get a media anal exam like no other, and every lefty site will go after him with everything they've got. The media will interview Republicans and demand that they denounce Wilson, and many will. This is one time when "speaking truth to power" won't be considered politically correct.

You'll also probably hear that this was a unprecendented display of incivility, but what you may not hear is now the Democrats booed President Bush during one of his State of the Union speeches. It wasn't one individual, but most of the caucus. Video can be found here.

Rep. Wilson probably shouldn't have said out loud what he and many others was thinking, but his action probably changed the outcome of last night's speech for Obama. Although CNN was claiming a big double-digit bounce from the speech, let's look at their sample:
The sample of speech-watchers in this poll was 45 percent Democratic and 18 percent Republican. Our best estimate of the number of Democrats in the voting age population as a whole indicates that the sample is about 8-10 points more Democratic than the population as a whole.
No wonder they showed a big bounce.

For most people, however, the only words from this speech they'll remember are "You Lie!".


Nightingale said...

It didn't help that John McCain gave the Dems the glove and lubricant to use against "Honest Joe."

And I for one, am getting sick and tired of the righteous indignation of the Dems in complaining about tactics they have used against Republicans for as long as I can remember.


Lewarcher said...

they have used against Republicans for as long as I can remember.
Well, you can't be that old.
I think one can trace this back to Newt Ginginch rebelling again the iron hand of the Democrats and Tip O'Neill.

So, now the gloves are off for all.
I have no problem with that.

Michael Smith said...

Ubumma spoke for an hour, and the only thing anyone remembers from the speech is "You Lie!". So much for the great orator.

Ann's New Friend said...

Look at Obama's gesturing arm, as he does that little pointing finger routine, look a second after Wilson's outburst. It's appropriately Obama's "left" arm (Obama is a lefty, his truth telling arm in his case). Obama responds to Wilson's cry, saying "It's not true." And WATCH his arm jerk!

Obama IS LYING when he says "it's not true" and his body language goes bizerk!

Whenever someone lies -- well the liar knows he's lying doesn't he? -- and the body language, the unconscious mind knows the lie is being told and responds.

Obama's arm really jerks! Go back and look at it. He got caught subliminally! I hope he didn't pull a muscle.

Wonderful! And thank you, Joe Wilson for putting the guy on edge enough to give us that delightful opportunity to peer into his mind and catch him red handed.

lewarcher said...

Ann, the woman from Vulcan.
Though why is she so emotional?