HolyCoast: Dueling NEA Statements
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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Dueling NEA Statements

From Special Report's Grapevine segment, the NEA issued this statement a month or so after President George H.W. Bush gave a speech to the nation's schoolchildren:
October 10, 1991

"(We cannot) endorse a president who spends $26,000 of taxpayer's money on a staged media event...while cutting school lunch funds for our neediest youngsters."
Flash forward to 2009, and this is what the NEA had to say about Obama's speech to the nation's schoolchildren:
September 6, 2009

"We applaud President Obama for delivering this message to students."
Funny, today's cost didn't seem to bother them.


LewArcher said...

Maybe it was free today, Rick.

Linda said...

Nothing the president does is free; there will be a cost to the US taxpayer some way or another.

Herman said...

The "NEA" really is showing their Far-Left agenda. They are like a lot of politicians, they Flip-Flop as needed to try and keep up their image to their membership. We can't expect anything different from them, too much education has driven them mad!