HolyCoast: Education Headline of the Day
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Education Headline of the Day

From the official WhiteHouse.gov website:
Maybe they say "schoochildren" on the south side of Chicago, but it's "schoolchildren" in most of the rest of the country. Perhaps spelling should be an emphasis in the president's speech.

And just in case they wise up and fix it, I took a screenshot:


Ann's New Friend said...

I was reading comments at the Post by an Obama supporter that was similarly orthographically challenged (as well as grammatically and intellectually challenged).

The Washington Post has decided to acknowledge that the president is making this address Tuesday. My first knowledge of it was hearing it mentioned on Hannity yesterday afternoon.

I checked the internet once I exited my car (dashed indoors!) to find out whether it could possibly be true ... a experience I'm having a lot these days!

You hear these things and think, "no, it can't be." I remember reading here at Holycoast about the government snitch program, the now abolished, flag@whitehouse.gov (not to be confused with Mark Steyn's flatulence@whitehouse.gov) and thought to myself: that cannot be true. Rick has erred.

So sorry, Rick, that I ever doubted you for even a nanosecond. Took only about two clicks to discover the truth of that one -- at the White House's own site!

When this one came down the pike, I thought "how can this be happening"? But a little reflection and I realize that this has been in the works for almost two decades at least. When I was in graduate school in the 90s, I personally sat in classrooms where professors revealed their intentions to indoctrinate secondary school teachers to do propaganda for lefty ideology.

Obama is Bill Ayers's most famous student. And people may not realize that Ayers and his Weathermen pals ADORED Chairman Mao. The Little Red Book was their fav reading.

Now we got Chairman Obama. It's surreal, but true.

Got to un-elect him. American Revolution. Government of the People. We have got to make it happen -- got to.

Eternal vigilance. It's the price of freedom.

Rick Moore said...

Ann, you are forgiven in your disbelief. Go and doubt no more.

Ann's New Friend said...


Linda said...

I'm a pretty good speller, but that one would have slipped right by me, because I guess I'm like most people and automatically put in the letter that is missing. Maybe they don't have spell check?

LewArcher said...

whatz rong with they way they spelt.

Reminds me of a time when a (black) parent complained about a (white) principal (in PGCPS, Annie):
"He smelt of liquor."

I couldn't figure what's the beef the racist parent had:
cod or Drambuie?