HolyCoast: Five Lies To Expect Tonight
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Five Lies To Expect Tonight

Gabriel Malor at Ace of Spades says to watch out for these five lies he expects to hear tonight:
(5) The President will say that there are 42 (or 47; it changes) million uninsured Americans.

(4) The President will say that his plan is "deficit neutral."

(3) The President will identify some "bad guys" in his speech, probably Republicans and the health insurance industry. Maybe tonsil-stealing, foot-amputating doctors, too.

(2) The President will say that Republicans and his health care reform opponents don't have a plan.

(1) The President will say that the public option won't be subsidized.
See Gabriel's post for his explanation of each item. It's good reading.


Ann's New Friend said...

A little off topic, but I have to congratulate you Rick for beating George Stephanopoulos in covering the story of Holdren, his 1970s text book, and the commentary on forced abortions.

I just listened to Stephanopoulos being interviewed on the Sean Hannity show. Hannity asked him about the radicals in the White House, listened while Stephanopoulos cited some mitigating circumstances for Van Jones, then Hannity changed the topic to other WH radicals, "what about Holdren and forced abortions?" Stephanopoulos's reply was that he had no idea what Hannity was talking about, would have to "research that" and get back to him.

My, my, my! So, here we are at Holycoast knowing more about the Holdren story than ABC News' Chief Washington Correspondent. Things have changed, haven't they?

Better start figuring our what you'll wear to the next White House Correspondents' dinner, Rick. It's probably about time that some of the attendees actually knew what the heck is going on IN the White House!

It's a very revealing commentary, if true. If Stephanopoulos really doesn't know, then the media and the White House are very vulnerable.

Rick Moore said...

I see all...I know all... And I have a finely tuned lunatic detector.