HolyCoast: GOP Asks IRS to Cut Ties with ACORN
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GOP Asks IRS to Cut Ties with ACORN

What? With all the tax expertise ACORN has shown in those videos?
Republican Reps. John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Dave Camp have sent a letter to Douglas Shulman, head of the Internal Revenue Service, asking that the IRS "sever all ties" with ACORN. Currently, the IRS has an agreement under which ACORN is part of a program to assist lower-income people in preparing their tax returns. But in light of those undercover video reports depicting ACORN employees in Baltimore, Washington DC, and New York City offering advice on, among other things, hiding income from the IRS, House Republicans are asking that the IRS-ACORN partnership be ended. "It is alarming to think that one of the IRS's largest and rapidly growing partners in a tax preparation program allegedly employs individuals who encourage tax fraud," the GOP lawmakers write.
Keep the pressure on, boys.

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