HolyCoast: Happy Talk From Dems Ignores Reality
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Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Talk From Dems Ignores Reality

Every time the Dems starting talking like this Obamacare loses more support:
Democratic congressional leaders predicted passage of health care legislation within a few months despite undimmed Republican opposition, claiming momentum Thursday from President Barack Obama's speech and renewed commitment from lawmakers fresh from a month of meetings with constituents.

Increasingly, events in the Senate Finance Committee appeared pivotal, precursor to likely votes in both the House and the Senate by early October. "I'm confident the president will sign a bill this year," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said he hopes legislation can be sent to the White House "well before Thanksgiving."

In their world it's all rainbows and unicorns, but in the real world they don't have the votes to pass anything yet, and there's no sign that the votes are ready to swing their way. I guess they're plan involves lots of hope and change happy talk to pursuade congressmen to vote themselves out of office.

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