HolyCoast: Health Care Photo of the Day
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Care Photo of the Day

From Gateway Pundit, here's first class fool Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) demagoguing Obamacare:
This is why the Democrats are going to lose this fight. When their argument is reduced to such a silly level, nobody is going to take them seriously.

1 comment:

LewArcher said...

He's probably envious of the attention Republican congressman Trent Franks got for his comment:
President Barack Obama is an “enemy of humanity” .

Or maybe this:
Take Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-Fla.), who said in July: "Last week, Democrats released a health care bill which essentially said to America's seniors: drop dead."

Or Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.), a doctor, who reviewed the public health insurance option in July and diagnosed that it is "gonna kill people."

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), not one to pull punches, suggested on the House floor that Congress "make sure we bring down the cost of health care for all Americans and that ensures affordable access for all Americans and is pro-life because it will not put seniors in a position of being put to death by their government."

July was a busy time for House floor death sentences. Also that month, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), noted: "One in five people have to die because they went to socialized medicine...I would hate to think that among five women, one of 'em is gonna die because we go to socialized care."

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) had a similar assessment. "They're going to save money by rationing care, getting you in a long line. Places like Canada, United Kingdom, and Europe. People die when they're in line," he said on the House floor in July."

And there is Going Rogue (not Goin' Rogue) Palin with her death panels.

So, Republicans has the corner on stupidity.
Atleast Grayson was funny, as was Rep. Pete Stark or Barney Frank.

Oh, where is PJ O'Rourke?