HolyCoast: HolyCoast Dad is Back in the Hospital
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

HolyCoast Dad is Back in the Hospital

Subject: HolyCoast Dad Back in the Hospital
Msg: I'm sorry to say that my dad (better known as HolyCoast Dad around these parts) is back in the hospital with complications of the lung disease which has been progressing all year. I'm writing this from the ER where I've been since around noon. He's probably going to be here for a few days. His condition has been growing steadily worse. Prayers would be appreciated.

UPDATE: Dad will be spending at least a few days in the hospital. He has Pulmonary Fibrosis which is a progressive lung disease for which there is no effective treatment. You just get progressively worse, and unfortunately the disease is acting very aggressively in his case. He's been on pretty high flow oxygen for quite awhile now, and even simple movements such as walking across the room can cause terrible coughing fits that drive his oxygen levels way down.

We're hoping this hospital stay won't be too long and perhaps some of the medication changes they're making will help stabilize his condition a little bit. Thanks for all the prayers and concern - we really appreciate it!


Nightingale said...

Prayers are on their way.

Rick Jensen said...

Prayers from your friends in North Dakota. Take care!

Ann's New Friend said...

Here's prayers from Prince Georges County, Maryland. God be with you, Holycoast Dad and family.

The Carter's said...

Having been personal friends of your father (Holy Coast Dad) and your mother for over 20 years we are deeply touched by your father's physical condition.
Our prayer's go out to him, his dear wife, and all of your family member's at this time.

LewArcher said...

Prayers from the southern end of Prince George's County, Maryland.

LewArcher said...

Prayers from the southern end of Prince George's County, Maryland.

Anonymous said...

Prayed for your father. Tell him he did a good job raising his son.

Larry Sheldon said...

You got it.

Sorry to hear that. He is not well--I've been wondering.

Unknown said...

Prayers from across the pond - Leicester, UK.
God is good!

jan said...

HolyCoast Dad and Family, we keep you all in thought and prayer. From your friends on America's North Coast. God Bless.

Laura M. said...

Prayers for all of you from Minnesota.

Linda said...

Prayers from the twins of NWKS.

Eric said...

We're receiving HC Mom's email updates and have been praying for your father and family.

Beth said...

Rick, I'm so sorry to hear this. :( My prayers are with you and your dad and your whole family.

Underdog said...

Praying for you and your Dad. Hopefully the medication changes will help.

Anonymous said...

Prayers and God's peace to you, your family and your father.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30"

Rick, Westminster, MD

Laura said...

Sending prayers from right here in OC -- so sorry to hear about your dad's increased difficulties. Good thoughts to your entire family --

Best wishes,