HolyCoast: House Votes to Reprimand Joe Wilson
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

House Votes to Reprimand Joe Wilson

Okay, it's time to turn on the donation taps:
Bitterly divided along party lines, the House formally rebuked Republican Rep. Joe Wilson Tuesday for shouting "You lie" at President Barack Obama during last week's nationally televised speech to Congress.

The rare resolution of disapproval was pushed through by Democrats insisting that Wilson, a South Carolina lawmaker, had violated basic rules of decorum and civility in his outburst. Republicans dismissed the vote as a political "witch hunt" and a waste of precious time and taxpayers' money.

Wilson had called the White House to apologize shortly after the incident, and he said at the time that the president "graciously accepted my apology and the issue is over." Republicans agreed, but several Democrats pressed the issue.

The final tally late Tuesday was 240-179, generally but not entirely along party lines. It was 233 Democrats and seven Republicans voting to chastise Wilson, 167 Republicans and 12 Democrats opposing the measure and five Democrats merely voting "present."

"The resolution is not about the substance of an issue but about the conduct we expect of one another in the course of doing our business," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who sponsored the measure with Democratic Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C.

Republicans tended to strongly disagree.

"We're here on some witch hunt, some partisan stunt that the American people are not going to respect," said Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. Visitors in the gallery applauded that remark, drawing a warning from the chair.

One of the Democrats voting "present," Barney Frank of Massachusetts, said, "I think it's bad precedent to put us in charge of deciding whether people act like jerks. I don't have time to monitor everyone's civility."
Yes, Barney "I had a male prostitute ring running out of my apartment" Frank certainly doesn't want anybody looking into his behavior.

Now that the Dems have decided to be stupid, we can show how stupid they were by clicking below and sending a few bucks to Rep. Wilson. Have at it.


Ann's New Friend said...

Looks like they're determined to misuse power until deprived of it.

Underdog said...

Joe Wilson will lead the opposition to the current ivory powers. . . and the groundswell of disgust with the current lawmakers and administration will propell the dissenters to victory in 2010 and 2012.

Joe Wilson has the guts the national Republican Party doesn't quite yet have. He will be made a political martyr/cause celebre over this issue. . . trust me!

Robb said...

I am really surprised that Dana Rohrabacher and Jeff Flake voted for reprimand.

LewArcher said...

Well, Joe (I can see Michelle Obama's family hosue from my backyard) Wilson can be happy there are no cattle rustlers in the Democratic Party:
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Nightingale said...

Democrats have incredible aim when shooting...they hit themselves in the foot every time.

Our financial contributions are winging their way to Mr. Wilson.

lewArcher said...

Embattled Democrat Pete Stark has just publicly apologized to "the president and his family."

He took the floor after his fellow Democrats successfully killed a motion to censure him in the wake of his remarks last Thursday asserting that American troops were fighting in Iraq to have their "heads blown off for the president's amusement."

"I want to apologize to my colleagues, many of whom I have offended," Stark began. He then apologized to "the president and his family" and "the troops."

"I hope that with this apology, I return to being as insignificant as I should be," he concluded through a voice cracking with emotion.

Oct 2007

Why can't Joe Wilson (not the husband of Valerie Plame)?

Amy said...

Even if one does not agree with the President, the outburst was so disrespectful, so the rebuke was a good decision.

Rick Moore said...

I see Amy the Troll is back writing the same comment on multiple posts. Amy, you really do have too much time on your hands.