HolyCoast: I Think We're Far Too Respectful of Our Elected Leaders
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Think We're Far Too Respectful of Our Elected Leaders

The lefties are in various states of the vapors today over Rep. Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" outburst at last night's Obamacare speech. The month of August has left them all gun shy (which is as close as most of them would ever get to a gun) after being treated to voter outrage at Democrat town hall meetings. We may be entering a new, and what some would consider an ugly, phase of American politics.

I disagree.

There's nothing new about politicians getting shouted at, except that now it's coming from Republicans and Conservatives rather than wacky left liberals, Move-on clones, and Code Pinkos. Personally, I'm all for it.

We've been far too respectful of our elected leaders, and that has led them to believe they are so far above us they can act however they wish and get away with it. The town hall meetings have been a welcome reminder that they work for us and not us for them.

Have you ever seen the British Parliament during Question Time? It can be pretty brutal on the Prime Minister or whichever Cabinet Secretary whose turn it is to face the members. I'm not suggesting that we undertake anything like that (I'm not fan of most of the government systems in that country), but the people of this country who are paying the bills should have a right to challenge, to their faces, the people they've elected.

And that includes the president. If the average voter can't confront him, then it's completely reasonable that the voters' representative in Congress do it for him.

Rep. Wilson's statement last night was inelegant and a spontaneous eruption of emotion, and maybe it's out of the norm for presidential addresses to Congress, but I'm glad he did it. It changed the debate.


Ann's New Friend said...

I disagree about the inelegance. I say it was poetry in motion! And what a motion it put into the presidential left arm!

But I have to mind MY manners. Lew and I can't stop bickering, and our Parent in Chief said we have to stop bickering now.

Nightingale said...

Bravo Rick.

There is so much at stake, I commend Honest Joe for speaking out. We should all be polite while our country is destroyed? I hope we all go kicking and screaming.

All this "stop bickering" is just a subtle way of intimidating the opposition into silence.

Let the Dems dig a hole for themselves. Their arrogance knows no bounds.

LewArcher said...

I agrre.
I wonder if Honest Joe yelled out you lie when President Bush told one of his Iraq stories, or if Joe has told Sarah Palin you lied when she repeated her death panel lie in the Wall Street Journal.
Probably not.
But Joe's just another politician like the Democrats who booed when Bush lied and said SS would be bankrupt.
There's very little difference between Joe and "Eye Patch" Mike Duvall.

PS In the spirit of bipartisan

disrespect, look at this animated gif of Pelosi:

BTW, does anyone know what Joe said about Sen Strom Thurmond's biracial love child calling Strom daddy?

LewArcher said...

Sorry, the posting messed-up. Here's the real deal:

I agree.
I wonder if Honest Joe yelled out you lie when President Bush told one of his Iraq stories, or if Joe has told Sarah Palin you lied when she repeated her death panel lie in the Wall Street Journal.
Probably not.
But Joe's just another politician like the Democrats who booed when Bush lied and said SS would be bankrupt.
And there's very little difference between Joe and "Eye Patch" Mike Duvall.

PS In the spirit of bipartisan, I present this animated gif of Pelosi:

disrespect, look at this animated gif of Pelosi:

BTW, does anyone know what Joe said about Sen Strom Thurmond's biracial love child calling Strom daddy?

Ann's New Friend said...

But Sarah Palin wasn't lying. Is it a lie because it isn't labeled "death panel"? Actually, if you want to know what it's called, the president in his recent speech referred to it as "best practices." Very fitting, just as abortion is "choice." Lew, you adhere to the party of euphemism. The most horrible things are okay if they have a nice sounding name.

Ezekiel Emanuel is the co-author of a rationing scheme for use in time of "scarcity." And after Obamacare passes, the "scarcity" will follow as night follows day. Indeed, they are creating a false scarcity.

Emanuel's system of "allocation" is called the "complete lives system." It's been much quoted now in the blogosphere. If you and Obama haven't heard about it, then I'd say you both need to get out more.

But assuming you have a genuine interest in learning the truth, here's a link to Emanuel's work:


The only puzzle is motive. What motivates these people?

skeneogden said...

Although I do not believe that Wilson should have made such a graceless comment during Obama's speech, people who think this is a particularly egregious act don't know much about the history of the Congressional chambers.

Many have been the insults and even personal assaults committed by members against members in what has been described as that "august" hall.

To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, "when they call the role in Congress most members don't know whether to say "present" or "not guilty".