HolyCoast: The Ice Cream for Your Next Gay Marriage
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Ice Cream for Your Next Gay Marriage

From Ben & Jerry's (h/t The Corner):

Ben & Jerry’s is temporarily renaming popular “Chubby Hubby” ice cream “Hubby Hubby” beginning today to celebrate the start of legalized gay marriage in its home state of Vermont.

“The legalization of marriage for gay and lesbian couples in Vermont is certainly a step in the right direction, and something worth celebrating with peace, love - and plenty of ice cream,” Ben & Jerry’s CEO Walt Freese said in announcing the sugary switch.

Ben & Jerry’s, which has long backed liberal causes, plans to rebrand “Chubby Hubby” as “Hubby Hubby” for 30 days to show support for Vermont’s new law.

I would suggest another flavor be renamed "I Can't Believe It's a Girl" so the lesbians won't be left out.


Goofy Dick said...

It's nice to know the stand that Ben & Jerry's is taking so that now I can purchase another brand of Ice Cream.

Gombojav Tribe said...


Good-bye Phish Food. I'll be finding another favorite ice cream.

LewArcher said...

So Goofy and Gombojav are just learning that Ben and Jerry are liberals?

Try this home-made ice cream recipe for those without a machine:
