HolyCoast: John Holdren, Climate Populist
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

John Holdren, Climate Populist

John Holdren is the totalitarian loon who now serves as Obama's Science Czar. He's also a climate populist - somebody who chases whatever the "cool kids" in climate science say he should promote. Here's what he's had to say about global warming from the October 2008 Scientific American:
The ongoing disruption of the earth’s climate by man-made greenhouse gases is already well beyond dangerous and is careening toward completely unmanageable. Under midrange projections for economic growth and technological change, the planet’s average surface temperature in 2050 will be about two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than its preindustrial value. The last time the earth was that warm was 130,000 years ago, and sea level was four to six meters higher than today. No one knows how long it will take sea level to “catch up” with such an increase; it could be several centuries, or it could be less.
In other words, we're all gonna die.

Now, let's flash back to the Disco Era for this Holdren Golden Oldie, courtesy of Zomblog:
In 1971, John Holdren edited and contributed an essay to a book entitled Global Ecology: Readings Toward a Rational Strategy for Man. He wrote (along with colleague Paul Ehrlich) the book’s sixth chapter, called “Overpopulation and the Potential for Ecocide.” (Click here to view a photograph of the table of contents, showing Holdren’s essay on pages 64-78; click on the image to the left to view the cover.) In their chapter, Holdren and Ehrlich speculate about various environmental catastrophes, and on pages 76 and 77 Holdren the climate scientist speaks about the probable likelihood of a “new ice age” caused by human activity (air pollution, dust from farming, jet exhaust, desertification, etc.).
In other words, we're all gonna die.

This is the worst form of populism, based not on reality or even reliable science, but based on seeing a parade and running to get in front of it. Nothing he forecast in 1971 came true, and there's no reason to think that his latest rants will come true either.

Truth is not important to populists. Being one of the "cool kids" is what's important, and now that he's part of the Obama Czar Regime, he's one of the coolest.


Nightingale said...

I don't know what describes these guys better: Chicken Little or hair on fire.

Either way, they are rapidly losing all credibility. And if more in the scientific community don't start standing up to these kinds of GDP destroying philosophies, no one will ever trust what a "scientist" has to say.

Herman said...

I guess he has joined the group of Elitist Morons in Washington.

Ann's New Friend said...

He's a potentially dangerous moron. Okay, I'm putting the tin foil hat on again (I keep it beside the keyboard).

Holdren advocated for forced abortion to control population. Obama is the most abortion happy president ever seen. He's okay with the death of the fetus even after it's a human child born accidentally during the botched abortion procedure.

Put the two together with Dr. Emanuel's home made ethics for deciding life and death, or "how to play God when resources are scarce" (also known as "Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions.")

How could a US government of lunatics even enforce forced abortions except through a single source, government run medical system?

A little bit too much coincidence for me. Heck, maybe I'll just take to wearing my lovely tin foil hat full time. I'm beginning to think it suits me.