HolyCoast: Just Doing My Part to Help Congressman Joe Wilson
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just Doing My Part to Help Congressman Joe Wilson

Nancy Pelosi is threatening to punish Congressman Joe Wilson if he doesn't agree to come to the House floor and issue an apology to the entire chamber for "speaking truth to power" during the Obamacare speech on Wednesday night. I don't work for the Congressman, but I've taken the liberty of drafting a response that he is free to use if he wishes:
To the "Honorable" Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House:

On Wednesday night, after being bombarded for 30 minutes with half-truths and outright falsehoods, my emotions finally got the best of me and I "spoke truth to power", something which liberals like yourself have long praised. I disrupted the president's speech for a moment, and since you yourself have been quoted as "being a big fan of disrupters", I would have assumed you'd approve.

Apparently, I was wrong.

Immediately following the speech I issued a statement of apology, and later that evening called the White House and personally apologized to Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. The president, according to his own statement on Thursday, accepted that apology.

Now I'm told that I must grovel before the entire House and issue yet another apology or else a vote of sanction will be taken against me.

Bring it on.

I'm through apologizing for speaking the truth. If the Democrat leadership wants to keep this story alive for several more days and put another million dollars in my campaign coffers, have at it. I will not apologize for trying to save my country from the disaster that will be the Obama Health Care Reform bill.

Thanks for caring.


Congressman Joe Wilson, South Carolina
Congressman Wilson, I hope this helps.

1 comment:

Martin Hands said...

Dear Mr. Wilson;
In my opinion your statement was as truthful as saying that our President is a Black man.
Would Obama be mad that we call him a Black man.( it is as truthful as he is a Liar.) No pun intended but we need to call Spade a Spade. How are they going to punish a man that is my hero,as Obama would and has said( Not on my watch.)