HolyCoast: Last Night's Story Is Not About Health Care
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last Night's Story Is Not About Health Care

It's starting. As I predicted last night the real story of the speech will not be Obama's health care proposal, but Congressman Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" outburst. Here are some Tweets from some of the journalists I follow:
From Mark Knoller:
"It's time to talk about health care and not Mr. Wilson," says Speaker Pelosi just now when asked about his "you lie" outburst last night.
Pelosi called the Cong Wilson's outburst "stunning" but she says "Let's not spend time on that."
From Allahpundit:
Question to Chuck Todd et al who think Wilson's outburst is good news for O: Do you really think the WH wanted this to be today's big story?
How did the "Republicans behaving badly" storyline work out for his holiness last month?
From Jim Geraghty:
Clearly, Joe Wilson criticism will make the public support Obama's plan, because town hall protester criticism did the same last month.
Obama's message will quickly be forgotten. Congressman Wilson's message...not so much.

The best thing the wacky left blogs can do today is continue to hammer Rep. Wilson, because it means they'll be spotlighting the one message Obama didn't want to come out of last night's speech.


Amy said...

I can't believe the inappropriate and disrespectful behavior towards our president.

Rick Moore said...

Well then, Amy, I'm sure you must have been outraged when the Democrats booed President Bush during the State of the Union in 2005.


Ann's New Friend said...

And Obama did lie! We knew he would, the lies were all over the place, but the "how" -- the "how" of his lies holds some interest of its own.

Consider this, for instance: "...thanks to the bold and decisive action we have taken since January, I can stand here with confidence and say that we have pulled this economy back from the brink."

Examine the words, and hearing them is more interesting than reading them. "I can stand here" -- true! he was standing there. "...[A]nd say that we have pulled this economy back from the brink" -- true again! he can say it; he did say it!

Rick, I can sit here (as I'm now doing) and I can type "we have pulled this economy back from the brink" -- see how I did that?

Is the economy "back from the brink"? Hell no! But I can type it, he can say it. Try it, Rick, see if you can say it. Mrs. Rick, have a shot at it. Holycoast Dad, Holycoast children, readers, fellow citizens, give it a try.

You can say it too!

Who knew being president was SO EASY!

Of course, it's not even a lie, if you believe it.

Now we know how the hope and change works.

Ann's New Friend said...

Ooo ooh! I forgot! When you say it, say it "confidently."

I typed it confidently.

(Don't forget the confidence.)

(He's the "confidence man.")

Anonymous said...

Has anyone figured out yet where the government scores 'jobs saved'? What a load of road apples - and the press swallows this verbatim?