HolyCoast: The Man Who Saved More People Than Anyone in History
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Man Who Saved More People Than Anyone in History

Have you ever heard of Norman Borlaug? I have to admit that today is the first time I'd heard that name, but it's a name that should go down in history among the greats (from Red State):
Norman Borlaug, agronomist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has died. A widower, he leaves behind five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and 245,000,000 people who would have died of starvation without hiswork in the Green Revolution.

245,000,000 is, by the way, the conservative estimate. It’s been suggested that Dr. Borlaug may have saved up to 1,000,000,000 people with his work in practical agronomy; it’s certainly true that his work put a stake through the heart of the 1980s doomsday scenarios popularized by Paul R. Ehrlich and others.

Ted Kennedy, who took a life rather than save it and accomplished very little of real consequence, got a several day long state funeral just because of political correctness. Borlaug will probably be quickly forgotten, even by the millions who live today because of his efforts. Such is the twisted world we live in.

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