HolyCoast: Michelle Obama: We Weren't Smart Enough to Take Our Kid to the Emergency Room
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Michelle Obama: We Weren't Smart Enough to Take Our Kid to the Emergency Room

How about this excerpt from Michelle Obama's health care speech yesterday:
I will never forget the time eight years ago when Sasha was four months that she would not stop crying. And she was not a crier, so we knew something was wrong. So we fortunately were able to take her to our pediatrician that next morning. He examined her and same something's wrong. We didn't know what. But he told us that she could have meningitis. So we were terrified. He said, get to the emergency room right away.

And fortunately for us, things worked out, because she is now the Sasha that we all know and love today -- (laughter) -- who is causing me great -- excitement. (Laughter.)

But it is that moment in our lives that flashes through my head every time we engage in this health insurance conversation. It's that moment in my life. Because I think about what on earth would we have done if we had not had insurance. What would have happened to that beautiful little girl if we hadn't been able to get to a pediatrician who was able to get us to an emergency room? The consequences I can't even imagine. She could have lost her hearing. She could have lost her life if we had had to wait because of insurance.
I'm glad little Sasha survived her parents' stupidity. Most parents, fearing something terribly wrong with their kids, wouldn't even think about insurance. You scoop up the kid and head for the nearest place where you can get help and worry about the cost later.

The lie contained in Michelle's speech is the notion that without insurance you're barred from health care. Anybody with a sick kid can walk into any emergency room in the country and they will be treated. It's the law. If they hadn't had insurance would they have just sat home and watched her die?

I remember taking a very sick little boy to see our pediatrician when I feared he might have meningitis. High fever, vomiting, and several other very scary symptoms. The drive to the doctor's office was one of near panic. I never even once thought "I wonder if this will be covered by my insurance plan", or "if it won't, what will I do?" The only thought was "FIX MY KID...NOW!"

We have the best health care system in the world and will continue to do so....at least until it becomes just another government program.


Linda said...

This woman can't even take care of her kids, and she wants to tell us how to take care of our families?

Any woman, or man, for that matter, would know that little girl should have been taken to the ER that night, and not wait until the morning, when, maybe, she could get into see the DR.

Nightingale said...

I was thinking the same thing Linda.

Goofy Dick said...

Oh good Lord, and these are the people we have trying to govern America? We are in deep doo-doo.

Larry Sheldon said...

Please see also http://hotair.com/archives/2009/09/19/obama-fudging-another-health-care-horror-story/

Larry Sheldon said...

http://tinyurl.com/mjw7kb is a shorter URL for the Hotair story.

Anonymous said...

These are the types of comments you make when you know the people that support you aren't smart enough to think through what you are saying. If you believe that anyone in America can NOT get the health care they need, I suggest you spend a few hours in ANY Emergency Room in ANY hospital in America...you will get the picture.