HolyCoast: Most Meaningless Health Care Assurances of the Day
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Most Meaningless Health Care Assurances of the Day

According to Fox News, in tomorrow's 60 Minutes interview President Obama assures us that he will take full responsibility should any problems arise from the passage of Obamacare.

How noble.

Obamacare isn't even supposed to go into effect until 2013, conveniently after Obama runs for re-election. Even if he wins in 2012, when things start going badly, as we know they will, the voters will have no way to ensure he pays for his errors, short of impeachment. What are we gonna do, send him a bill for trillions of dollars?

Just another load of crap.

UPDATE: Another load from Obama's speech today in Minneapolis (from Mark Knoller's Twitter feed):
Obama tells those on Medicare: "don’t pay attn to scary stories about how your benefits will be cut. That will never happen on my watch."
That's probably correct, because by the time the real problems of Obamacare kick in Obama will be long gone. The cuts to benefits which have to occur if this program is to have any chance of avoiding financial disaster will come after the architects of this mess have gone.

And how about this one, again from Mark Knoller:
Obama again vows "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future. No ifs, ands or buts."
This, of course, means that Obama can never sign a bill again because there hasn't been a bill presented to him on any subject that hasn't increased the deficit.

Doing nothing would be preferable.

1 comment:

Desert Man said...

Yes, Obama's talk is just like Mr. Wilson said at Obama's talk to Congress a few days ago, He Lie's.
I think its true, he can't tell the difference between the truth and lies.