HolyCoast: Nancy Pelosi is Cracking Up
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Nancy Pelosi is Cracking Up

How else do you explain this:
The House Republicans' top campaign chief strongly denounced Speaker Nancy Pelosi's comments that appeared to question whether today's angry conservative protests were similar to anti-gay rallies in the late 1970s that preceded the assassination of two San Francisco political leaders.

Rep. Pete Sessions (Texas), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Pelosi crossed the line when she related the rhetoric of anti-gay protesters in San Francisco in 1978 -- the year Harvey Milk, the first openly gay member of the city's board of supervisors, and his political ally, Mayor George Moscone, were killed by former supervisor Dan White -- to that of contemporary conservatives while answering a question about the protests against President Obama's health-care proposals.

"The Speaker is now likening genuine opposition to assassination. Such insulting rhetoric not only undermines the credibility of her office, but it underscores the desperate attempt by her party to divert attention away from a failing agenda," Sessions said in a statement. "During one of the most important policy debates of our time, the American people have been completely abandoned by those elected representatives under her control. Voters are justifiably frustrated with Washington, and the Speaker's verbal assault on voters accomplishes nothing other than furthering her reputation for being wildly out of touch with the American people."

The Democrats thought that when they made great gains in 2006 and 2008, including winning the White House, that the world would be their oyster. However, when they actually tried to impose their liberal agenda on America, America decided they didn't like them so much anymore. The farther left the Dems went, the more strident the opposition became.

This isn't working out the way Nancy had planned.


loki said...

I find it less incredible than I used to that the liberal wing of the Democrats would be as incendiary as they are- but I guess the shock that we in America just don't fall to our knees in adoration has them flummoxed- "... They coulda been a contender..."

Underdog said...

Racism, homophobia. . . truly, they're grasping at straws. Weak arguments all.

Anything to hold onto power, that false idol they worship.

Ann's New Friend said...

Mrs. Pelosi isn't going to win any Academy Awards; that's for sure. That was some of the worst acting I've ever seen. Such fake emotion, especially when compared with her "Nazi" remarks of August -- notably she wasn't crying then. She needs some method coaching -- bad!

When she said that Tea Party patriots were carrying swastikas she forgot to be afraid for impending violence. And I think she tipped us all off to something too. If somebody's carrying a sign that goes over-board, consider the possiblity that it's one of theirs. Agent provocateur is real old 60s schtick.

But there's a lesson here. People do imitate behavior. I think Mrs. Pelosi should be sure and warn her own partisans against violent acts next time they want to protest something (and some of them are practically professional protesters). Perhaps the admonition might remind Leftie protesters of what the Tea Party Patriots did. And then, hey, you never know, maybe the lefties could even learn to pick up their own trash before they go.