HolyCoast: New Hampshire Dems: Investigate Schools That Won't Show Obama Speech
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

New Hampshire Dems: Investigate Schools That Won't Show Obama Speech

If Obama's speech to students on September 8th is supposed to be non-political, why are Democrats calling for investigations of schools that won't show it?
The New Hampshire Democratic Party is calling for the Manchester School Board to investigate a local superintendent’s decision to allow individual schools to decide whether or not they should carry President Barack Obama’s speech to school children on Tuesday.

So far, no Manchester principals plan to carry the speech live.

“The School Board should have an investigation,” said Democratic Chairman Ray Buckley. “[School board member] Kathy Labanaris should form a committee to investigate this entire episode.”

Buckley made his comments on a liberal blog with close ties to the Democratic Party. The issue could pit the powerful head of the state’s ruling party against New Hampshire’s tradition of local control of schools.

The Manchester School Board is controlled by Democrats, who occupy nine of the fourteen seats on the board.

Superintendent Thomas Brennan decided that President Obama’s planned speech would be handled under a local district policy that governs all outside speakers. The policy allows individual principals to determine if the speech has educational value. As of this writing, several principals intended to record the president’s speech and make it available to students at a future date.
New Hampshire Democrats apparently want to change the state motto from "Live Free or Die" to "Live Like We Democrats Tell You to Live or Die".


Ann's New Friend said...

Unless the speech is embedded with hypnosis, the requirement that children see it could have the opposite effect of what Obama intends.

His speeches are falling flat lately. Seems mighty risky to chance losing yet another demographic!

I mention the spooky hypnosis thing. It is a real phenomenon, and children with their bright imaginations are particularly susceptible. But any hypnotic subject needs some motivation to be more than peripherally affected.

And our great One is becoming such a bore.

I knew this, didn't others also? Didn't we look ahead and project how these "rousing" speeches were going to get tinny and crass a few listens down the road? Another Obama harrangue!

Well, stock the kiddies up with No Doze. They're gonna need it.

Underdog said...

Imagine if the Republican Party under President George W. Bush did this. The Democratic Party would howl and call the ACLU!

But now they're in power. We have to do what *they* say, no questions asked. No dissent. Shades of a Dear Leader regime, eh?

Why not have presidents be like W. and go to an elementary school and read a book without all the hoopla and fanfare? (If you remember, the only reason why that particular event was memorable was because of the events of that day of infamy. . . September 11, 2001.)

I do not trust the current president. I do not trust his party, either - on the national or state level. Actually, *any* level! Show your trustworthiness, and I'll change my tune.

Desert Man said...

The Democrats are now starting to be what we have previously been through......shades of McCarthyism.
Oh yeah, the school's which don't show this should be investigated, and pretty soon Obama's Big Government will be telling us exactly what we can and can't see on TV, what we can and can't do. The next step will be following in the shoes of Hitler.

Dr. B said...

BO said he wanted to speak to the students to help encourage them to remain in school and talked about the drop-out rate being about 30 percent. If this is his 'true' (and only) motivation for wanting to talk to young students, why is he speaking to elementary students and not the children closer to the drop-out age? By the time these children can legally drop out of school he will be long gone!!!