HolyCoast: Ninth Circus Tees One Up for The Supremes
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Ninth Circus Tees One Up for The Supremes

The most reversed circuit court (outside of anything Sonia Sotomayor ruled on) has once again set themselves up for a Supreme Court slapdown:
Once again a court has found that the Bush administration, in its efforts to protect the country after 9/11, acted in ways at odds with the Constitution.

As our colleague Carol J. Williams reports today, a federal court found that John Ashcroft, then-attorney general, violated the rights of U.S. citizens by ordering arrests on material witness warrants when the government lacked probable cause.

Williams writes that a three-judge panel called Ashcroft’s detention policy “repugnant to the Constitution, and a painful reminder of some of the most ignominious chapters of our national history.”

The judges — all appointed by Republican presidents — found that Ashcroft could be sued for prosecutorial abuses.
I don't think this ruling will stand. It sounds like a typical decision issued by the radical liberals of the court.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

There's a different view on this decision offered here:


to the effect that Carol J. Williams has completely re-interpreted the facts to support the lefty version. Patterico says that the decision turned upon a technicality and has nothing to do per se with Ashcroft's guilt or innocence.