HolyCoast: Obama "Clarifies" Language in Indoctrination Speech
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Obama "Clarifies" Language in Indoctrination Speech

Once again Obama finds himself in a mess of his own making. This time it's the planned speech to America's "schoochildren" (their spelling):
The Obama administration late Wednesday withdrew a recommendation that school children who watch a video featuring President Obama next week write about how they might "help the president" as part of a classroom assignment.

The decision came after conservative critics attacked the plan by federal education officials that teachers supplement the speech with a special curriculum that was designed in concert with the White House.

Among the activities the government was suggesting for pre-kindergarten to sixth grade students: that they "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." By Wednesday evening, the sentence asking children to think about how they can "help the president" had been removed from the document.

Another task, recommended for students immediately after listening to the speech, was to engage in a discussion about what "the President wants us to do."

The novel curriculum plan brought sharp criticism from conservatives, including some who complained that classrooms were being used to spread political propaganda. In response to the criticism, the White House last night confirmed they were revising the lesson plan that was distributed last week by the U.S. Department of Education.

"We're clarifying that language," said Tommy Vietor, a White House spokesman.
I think America's parents would like to see the speech. If it's written, release it.


Linda said...

And each school needs to offer and 'opt out' period when he is speaking.

I agree, let the speech be read before he gives it.

Dr. B. said...

If BO wanted to remain as an "Instructor" -- why did he leave the classroom? Also, his current position as President is (as far as currently known) just a temporary job.
If my children were subjected to this kind of indoctrination, I would consider this to be highly offensive and totally inappropriate. Doesn't he have anything better to do??

Desert Man said...

I would like to see Obama's speech to the school children in print before I believe a word of it. If his lips are moving you can bet he is lying.

Ann's New Friend said...

I have an idea: while Obama is speaking to the nation's "schoochildren" let's have former President George W. Bush give a very special talk just for the benefit of Obama's two girls. Let President Bush share his thoughts about Daddy's administration with the Obama girls -- complete with lessons plans, of course! -- and see how that flies with the "Schoo" teacher in Chief.