HolyCoast: Once Again GOP Comes to Obama's Rescue
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Once Again GOP Comes to Obama's Rescue

Remember the smoke and mirrors story about Obama's decision to drop the public option? Well, he obviously knew he had a Republican in the bag:
Senior White House officials, in conversations with reporters today, are floating the idea that President Obama is secretly negotiating with Sen. Olympia Snowe over a health care compromise that would phase in a government-funded health care alternative if private insurance companies fail to meet quality and cost benchmarks over a certain period of the time. The public discussion of the Snowe “compromise” is meant to test the reaction of House Democrats, who will pass a bill that includes an immediate public option added to a new health insurance exchange. The White House hopes that, having voted for a public option, House Dems would accept a “trigger” as part of a conference committee compromise rather than putting the kibosh on the entire health care reform project. In some ways, this strategy is old, and in some ways it’s new. For months, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has been pushing the idea of a “trigger” internally, and he and Snowe regularly trade legislative and political intelligence.
You just knew Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, John McCain, or Lindsey Graham would jump in and give Obama his bill.

Obamacare was dead, but Snowe will bring it back to life.

Stupid Maine.


Insurance Master said...

Useful information, I love reading your posts, thank you, I wish VM to write more often.

steven boss said...

Leave Obama Alone..

Robert Fanning said...

Well said, steven boss, leave Obama alone without any supporting votes!

The United States does not need an unsupportable medicare-like health system pushed upon us by zealots.

Desert Man said...

Obama and his leadership are like a person in a row boat with only one oar, they keep paddling but don't get anywhere. They just go in circles.