HolyCoast: Political Cartoon of the Day
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Political Cartoon of the Day


Unknown said...

downright creepy

Dr. B. said...

I wonder if BO is going to try to get the kiddos to 'snitch' on their parents??

Goofy Dick said...

I don't know if BO will try to get the children to "snitch" on their parents, but I think a number of teachers will try to get the feelings of the children and what their parents believe. This has NO place in the public schools.

Anonymous said...

He is looking at the ones who are going to be old enough to vote in 2012. He and Rahmbo have run the numbers and they see that they need these votes to win again. They'll use the "Teacher Lobby" to indoctrinate the chidren to vote for them. http://guyaverage.blogspot.com

LewArcher said...

Shouldn’t the GOP have a right to address our kids too? Maybe Sarah and Bristol could do a teen pregnancy pitch?