HolyCoast: Political Photo of the Day
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Political Photo of the Day

From the 9/12 D.C. Tea Party (from Dan Riehl):

Dan has a lot of research and other information on yesterday's attendance.
Bottom line? It looks to me as if about as many people who showed up to welcome Obama into the WH a mere 8 or so months ago showed up yesterday in a mood to throw him out. I would say American citizens, but one can never assume citizenship is involved when it comes to Obama voters. Let's just hope he qualifies as such!! heh!


Anonymous said...

OMG!! Millions?


Desert Man said...

And this photo only shows those who were able to get to Washington DC., think how many other millions wanted to be there but couldn't make it there. Citizens in the U.S. are fed up with this president and the congress!!!

Linda said...

It looks like a 'couple of 1000'!