HolyCoast: A Prediction About Obama's School Speech
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Saturday, September 05, 2009

A Prediction About Obama's School Speech

The White House has announced that Obama's school speech will be released on Monday so parents will have a chance to read it. My prediction - it will be the most boring, pedantic speech of his presidency. The controversy that has attended this will have scared the White House into taking anything remotely controversial out of the speech and we'll basically end up with "stay in school, don't do drugs", plus another 10,000 words of puffery that won't mean anything.

Don't get me wrong, that's a good thing. Who knows what he really planned to say, and given the coursework assigned by the Department of Education to go along with the address, the protests may have stopped something far more sneaky. We'll probably never know.

The White House will point to the bland speech and belittle the critics saying it's all a lot of noise about nothing.


But this has been a lesson for the White House. Whereas at one time a speech from the president to schoolkids might have been considered a very special event, Obama's policies and tactics have created a suspicion of his every move - even something as innocuous as a speech to kids.


Ann's New Friend said...

Their "body language" says it all. Look at White House spokesman Gibbs's response:"I think we've reached a little bit of the silly season when the president of the United States can't tell kids in school to study hard and stay in school. I think both political parties agree that the dropout rate is something that threatens our long-term economic success."

Doesn't it sound familiar? Blame the citizen. Protests at Town Halls? Those things are called "mobs." That parents would distrust this light-shining-from-somewhere-and-you'll-hear-a-voice-saying-I-gotta-be-me president is "silly."

Is it as "silly" as flag@whitehouse.gov? As silly as Van Jones schtick of Dubya on crack? As silly as candidate Obama's fake presidential seal? How about as silly as the "Obama girl"? Or perhaps as fishy as billions of dollars disappearing down the giant maw of the IRS? That fishy, maybe?

Nah! Nothing fishy about this president!

The speech may read as boring and pedantic, as you say, in a deliberate effort to portray the citizens as nervous Nellies. But if Gibbs is so concerned about our economic success, why doesn't he take away Obama's credit cards -- like a good parent.

I trust nothing about Obama anymore. This is the slickest, smoothest operator to come down the pike. I'll give him plenty credit for successful deviousness of a scale unprecedented in modern history. He is the anti-Reagan -- the most lying, two-faced, used car salesmanish schyster ever.

Read that prepared speech carefully, because I'm betting that the temptation to hubris is huge -- they will try to put something in there -- something to rankle conservatives, who are after all the ONLY people really even paying attention, and it will be clothed in innocuous seeming terms -- but scratch a bit deeper, look at the metaphors, take it down the road one or two logical steps and it'll have its creepy edge.

Fortunately, that kind of deception is over the heads of children.

Nightingale said...

How smart is it for these so-called "progressives" to call parents "silly" when it comes to protecting their kids?

Not very.

Desert Man said...

Obama really doesn't have much to say. When his lips are moving you know beyond a shadow of a doubt he isn't telling you the truth. For some reason truth seems to escape his mind and his lips. When he speaks it's more like a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth, yet he usually comes out smelling pretty good.

Lisa said...

I think that this has gotten out of hand, students should be able to listen to the President.

Robb said...

Should students also be allowed to listen to Adolph Hitler? Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

The activity list that came out of the Department of Education and was posted on the whitehouse.gov site was a list of "Suggested" ideas on ways to incorporate the speech in lesson plans, if teachers so chose. None of this is or ever was mandatory. As for the controversial question about "how you can help the president" - which has since been removed - this same question was asked, even more explicitly, by our first President Bush in an address to students. Sorry, I want my children to be encouraged to do well in school by as many people as possible. I have a son in ROTC, and I certainly feel it's appropriate for him to be addressed by the Commander in Chief.

Rick Moore said...

Anon - you do understand that there's a difference between Commander-in-Chief and Parent-in-Chief? Obama may be the former, but he's not the latter.

LewArcher said...

Dang, I was hoping the children in Prince George's County Public Schools would be forced to watch this (in schools and rooms with cable access) and become socialists. But the county has opted out (except at the unbuilt Barack Obama Elementary School).

Imagine ann's kid (or kid's friends) turning her in to Obama's death panels.

But, it's not to be.
And for ann's side of the tracks:
"vive' la revolucion"

Underdog said...

I predict the current (soon to be lame duck) president will give the speech.

I also predict that freedom loving people in the United States will stay away from it in droves.

Double minded people such as the current president, whose words cannot be trusted, get their just desserts. Bon Appetit!

And he will still be seeking that idolatrous adulation he so desires. . . May God Save the USA!

LewArcher said...

Underdog said...
I predict the current (soon to be lame duck) president will give the speech.

And I predict tomorrow is Labor Day.

lucydrake said...

Send the kids or don’t send them…either way, they will find out what was said…with the media and people talking, it will get out…