HolyCoast: "Progressive" and "Liberal" Are the New Four-Letter Words
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Progressive" and "Liberal" Are the New Four-Letter Words

But "being like Ronald Reagan" is still solid gold (from Rasmussen):
"Progressive” is becoming more of a dirty word, but all political labels – except “being like Ronald Reagan” - are falling into disfavor with many U.S. voters, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

“Liberal” is still the worst and remains the only political description that is viewed more negatively than positively. Being like Reagan is still the most positive thing you can say about a candidate.

Just 15% of voters say they view the description of a candidate as politically liberal as positive, down four points from last November. Forty-one percent (41%) see it as a negative description, up five points form the earlier survey, while 42% say it’s somewhere in between.

Aware of their low ideological ratings, political liberals have shifted in recent times to calling themselves progressives, but that name, too, has begun to lose its luster. Thirty-two percent (32%) now consider it a positive to describe a candidate as politically progressive, but that’s down from 40% just after the last election. Twenty-seven percent (27%) see it as negative label, up from 16%, and 36% put it somewhere in between the two.

They haven't tried "looney" yet. I wonder how that would poll?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Right wing conservative" is pretty bad!