HolyCoast: Public Service Headline of the Day
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Public Service Headline of the Day

From Drudge:
Man arrested for slapping stranger's crying child in WALMART...
Admit it, haven't we all wanted to do that a time or two?


Tim Knoxville said...

Not necessarily across their face, but definitely wanted to take them and swat them on the rear end ;)

Goofy Dick said...

I have observed children throw themselves down on the floor in a store. They were screaming, kicking, thrashing about and the parent would just ignore them and continue on with their shopping. I didn't want to swat the child, but I sure wanted to lay one on the parent. This type should not be allowed to breed!

Dawn said...

Wow...just wow. I would have expected someone like you to agree with slapping a kid in public. Disgusting.