HolyCoast: Public Support for Unions Craters
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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Public Support for Unions Craters

Mickey Kaus has the details:
Gruesome new poll numbers on public support for unions--the percent who say they "mostly hurt"the U.S. economy jumps from 39% in 2006 to 51% last month, for example. .... Tom Edsall calls them "horror show numbers" and wants an explanation! Hmmm. I wish I could say "card check"--the labor plan to avoid secret ballots when organizing--but that isn't the most visible of the roles unions have played recently. The most visible would be 1) the auto industry, where the UAW helped bankrupt two of the Big Three and stuck taxpayers with the bill without even taking a cut in hourly pay, and 2) the public schools, which the teachers' unions have helped to degrade in a way that adversely impacts the lives of even affluent Dem yuppies (at least those with kids). ...It will be hard for me to avoid the Howell Raines Fallacy on this one: Once again the great and good American people have it right. ... P.S.: Polls like this aren't going to make it easy for the Senate to pass even a watered-down labor law "reform." Did the UAW kill "card check"?
Not only did the UAW and teachers hurt union numbers, but the thuggery we've seen from SEIU members at town hall events has gotten wide play. Unions are now seen by large numbers of Americans as paid soldiers for the Democrat party and socialist ideals.

1 comment:

Herman said...

Unions used to be a good thing in years past. They have come to the point where they are biting off the hand that has been feeding them. They are full of thugs and muscle their way into a business even though a business owner pays a wage scale and benefits much better than the union. They make promises which are never kept, they take money from their membership for use as the union leaders see fit for political means. Now we see a Washington Administration which has cowed down to the union, given them a large part of the ownership in the auto industry, which is totally absurd, at the cost of the stock-holders. The only way the general public can show their disgust with the automotive unions is to boycot purchasing GM and Chrysler vehicles. I would trust that more and more Americans get fed up with the unions and quit patronizing products made by their employees. Card Check is another Union scam to load up their ballot boxes the way they want them, they want nothing to do with a Secret Ballot.
If they don't like the way you are voting they can have their goons find you and either beat you into submission or kill you.