HolyCoast: A Tale of Two Mass Rallies
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Monday, September 14, 2009

A Tale of Two Mass Rallies

Check out Gateway Pundit who has photos of the aftermath of Saturday's D.C. Tea Party, and the January 20th inauguration.

And there's this from Thomas Lifson at American Thinker:
The truth will out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying "It is a record.... We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Democrats and their media acolytes may wish this weren't so, and they may even employ the Ostrich Strategy, burying their collective heads in the sand, pretending that a major important political movement isn't happening. But they only hasten their own demise in doing so.

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