HolyCoast: Van Jones Decides to Spend More Time With His Family
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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Van Jones Decides to Spend More Time With His Family

There's one less commie/truther/cop killer lover/racist in the Obama Administration tonight (from Top of the Ticket):
Van Jones, the onetime Marxist whose controversial statements about Republicans and 9/11 have made him a distracting lightning rod as Barack Obama's environmental czar in recent days, resigned tonight.

Now, the Sunday morning talk shows will have something really hot to talk about.

You'll notice I said "one less". There's still plenty of swamp to be drained.

From Jones' statement:
"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide," he said.

"I have been inundated with calls -- from across the political spectrum -- urging me to 'stay and fight,'"
However, I'm guessing those calls were eclipsed by the call he probably got from Rahm Emanuel telling him it was time to fall on his sword or Rahm would stab him himself. Jones' has made a career of backing controversial leftist causes, and now he's paying for his stupidity. Of course, he'll probably land a new job as a diarist with DailyKos or The Huffington Post.

The most important question in all this: How will America survive without a Green Jobs Czar?


jan said...

This whole episode is a disgusting classic example of the Admns' despicable lack of good judgment and absence of common sense.

Sam L. said...

Dems always complain of "vicious smears" when their own words are quoted.