HolyCoast: When Generations Collide
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When Generations Collide

My daughter, who is a junior at Sonoma State University in Northern California, sends us short email updates every day or so just to let us know what's going on in her life. The school is building a wonderful new performing arts center, the Green Music Center (GMC), which I shot a photo of last May:

That's the main hall, but there are a whole collection of buildings that go with it, including classroom and rehearsal space. It's still under construction and they're still fundraising to get the money needed to finish it. They often bring potential donors on tours through the facility.

My daughter, in her note last night, tells of an encounter with someone from the Flower Power generation:
There was a donor tour today in the GMC and they came by our conducting class. The keyboardist for The Doors was there and we met him, in case that means anything to anyone (I told (my roommate) and she played me a song of theirs and it did sound familiar).
It was Ray Manzarek, who somehow managed to survive the 60's and the years since relatively intact, despite the very early drug demise of Doors' lead singer Jim Morrison.

Everybody in my generation is familiar with The Doors, but it's funny that relatively few in hers know anything about them. I guess that would have been similar to introducing me to the trumpet player for Glenn Miller when I was in college.

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