HolyCoast: White House Needs a New Crisis
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Saturday, September 05, 2009

White House Needs a New Crisis

Rahm Emmanuel is famous for saying "never let a good crisis go to waste", and some are suggesting that the only way to get health care back on track is to have a new crisis:
President Barack Obama returns to Washington next week in search of one thing that can revive his health-care overhaul: a sense of crisis.

Facing polls showing a drop in his approval, diminished support from independents, factions within his Democratic Party and a united Republican opposition, Obama must recapture the sense of urgency that led to passage of the economic rescue package in February, analysts said.

“At the moment, except for the people without insurance, we’re not in a health-care crisis,” said Stephen Wayne, a professor of government at Georgetown University in Washington. “You do need a crisis to generate movement in Congress and to help build a consensus.”

So, how does one create a health care crisis? How about the swine flu?

We're going to start hearing more and more stories about college campuses shut down by the flu, people dying here and there, and you can bet some of them will not have insurance. Those stories will be featured as a reason we must have Obamacare. Even though the victims of the flu will likely have been treated - in other words they had health care - if they didn't have insurance that will be blamed as the reason for their demise.

You know it's gonna happen.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Obama has forgotten the story of the boy who cried wolf. Is it an alzheimerish moment for the boy king? Or a lapse in reasoning?

Whatever gaffe it is, we notice. And we're ready. There even comes a point when we know what he's going to say before he says it. Even fawning supporters must be getting a strong sense of deja vu.

It's tough to govern when you're an empty suit. The paucity of ideas -- the din of the empty silence -- is deafening after a while.