HolyCoast: "You Lie!" Causes Dems to Rewrite Illegal Immigrant Provisions
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Friday, September 11, 2009

"You Lie!" Causes Dems to Rewrite Illegal Immigrant Provisions

The left is in a lather about Rep. Joe Wilson and his "You Lie!" shout out to Obama during Wednesday night's speech, and although they insist Obama wasn't lying, Dem Senators still felt the need to go and rewrite the Obamacare bill. That's got the left even madder, as you'll see in this report from Talking Points Memo, a lefty political website:
Republican Rep. Joe Wilson's shout heard round the world has turned into a political food fight and a minor scandal for the GOP. By blurting "you lie" during the
President's address, Wilson was insinuating--wrongly--that Democratic health care legislation would provide federal subsidies to undocumented immigrants to buy health insurance. But though Wilson's allegation was false, and the political impact has been largely negative, Democratic leaders on the Senate Finance Committee seem to think it's worth fixing the non-existent problem Wilson was complaining about.

"We really thought we'd resolved this question of people who are here illegally, but as we reflected on the President's speech last night we wanted to go back and drill down again," said Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND), according to Time. The incident reportedly has led Finance chairman Max Baucus to insert a provision in his legislation to require participants in the health insurance exchanges to provide proof of citizenship.
There are a lot of things wrong in those two paragraphs. For one thing, the shout out is not turning out to be a scandal, minor or major, for the GOP. If anything it's created a problem for the Dems because it's taken Obama's message right off the screen.

Secondly, the illegal alien coverage was not a non-existent problem. It clearly was enough of an issue for Baucus and Conrad to have to go back and tighten up the language. Yesterday Rep. John Boehner demonstrate for the press how the current language would cover everybody, whether legal or not.

This just has to be so terribly frustrating for the lefties, and so terribly satisfying for the rest of us.


Nightingale said...

So Baucus and Conrad are going to 'tighten up' the language in health care bill?

While their at it, mightn't they tighten up the rest of it?

Ann's New Friend said...

They could do some serious blue penciling to the whole thing! Like how about they knock it down about 1,100 pages?

And they have the hypocrisy to call themselves "environmentalists."

The innocent trees that have given their lives for this stupid bill that only socialist drones want.