HolyCoast: CNN Fact Check
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

CNN Fact Check

Given CNN's newly found interest in fact-checking Saturday Night Live skits, a number of wags have decided to help by providing CNN other important fact-checking information. The Twitter feed is here.

A few examples:
CNN has learned that neither Patrick Swayze nor Chris Farley ever worked as Chippendale Dancers

"After thorough examinations of the claims on Church Chat, CNN cannot verify that it is, in fact, Satan."

Upon investigation, those two guys were not "wild & crazy," but merely socially awkward & Eastern European.

"The so-called Operaman never trained at any recognised music school."

Jane Curtin was not really an ignorant slut. She was actually well informed.

In spite of her claims otherwise, Emily Litella really did mind.
There are lots more.

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