HolyCoast: Going to the Bathroom to Save the Planet
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Going to the Bathroom to Save the Planet

An airline has a novel way to reduce its fuel bill:
A Japanese airline has started asking passengers to go to the toilet before boarding in a bid to reduce carbon emissions.

All Nippon Airways (ANA) claims that empty bladders mean lighter passengers, a lighter aircraft and thus lower fuel use.

Airline staff will be present at boarding gates in terminals to ask passengers waiting to fly to relieve themselves before boarding, The Independent reported.

ANA hopes the weight saved will lead to a five-tonne reduction in carbon emissions over the course of 30 days.

We know the Japanese have bought into globaloney more than just about anyone else (just look at what the Tokyo mayor said while trying to win the Olympics). This is one of those meaningless gestures that make some people feel better about themselves (not to mention the people with full bladders), but really isn't going to do anything to save the planet.


Nightingale said...

The colon holds more weight than the bladder, but somehow I don't think pre-flight enemas will go over well with the flying public.

Laura M. said...

I'd take them up on the offer, if only to spare myself from having to use the bathroom on the plane. They are notoriously small.

Herman said...

This whole thing is nothing more than a lot of crap.