HolyCoast: Steve Wynn: "Government Has Never Increased the Standard of Living of One Single Human Being in Human History"
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Steve Wynn: "Government Has Never Increased the Standard of Living of One Single Human Being in Human History"

I listened to this part of Rush Limbaugh's show as I was driving home from Northern California and thought Steve Wynn was brilliant:
RUSH: Steve Wynn on Fox News Sunday was interviewed by Chris Wallace. He's the CEO of Wynn Resorts in Las Vegas. He's also on with Jennifer Granholm, the governor of Michigan. And Chris Wallace says, "Unemployment in Nevada is 13.2%. That's the second highest in the nation. Your company, Wynn Resorts, has more than 20,000 employees. Do you see any turnaround yet?"

WYNN: No, in the sense that I think that the priorities of the administration should have been more directly focused on job creation. From the day of the inauguration forward, the priority should have been job creation. And the most powerful weapon and the tool that the government has for that is its tax policy. If the government had used its power to restrain its tax collection they would have given everybody who runs small businesses, large businesses, a chance to hire more people and that could have been done an entirely different way. With eight or $900 billion we could have created four or five million jobs, which would have made a big difference.

RUSH: That's what you call stimulus! That's what you call stimulus. That's what I have been saying. That's what anybody with even a modicum of Econ 101 understands. You have to invest and you have to create the investment. You have to incentivize growth, and this administration is penalizing it! This administration is punishing growth. This administration is doing everything it can to prevent growth. This is all done on purpose. And now, my friends, I finally am joined in my previous one-man crusade: Steve Wynn on board, Charles Krauthammer with a speech he gave on board saying the decline is purposeful. Chris Wallace said, "So where do you draw the line between the proper role of government in all this and the proper role of the private sector?"

WYNN: Government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization's history. For some reason that simple truth has evaded everybody. The only thing that creates an increased standard of living is giving someone a job, the demand for their labor -- whether it's you and I, Chris, or anybody else. The people that are paying the price for this juggernaut of federal spending are the middle class and the working class of America.

RUSH: Right.

WYNN: And soaring rhetoric and great speeches with or without a teleprompter aren't going to change the truth, and the truth is: The biggest enemy, the biggest obstacle that working middle-class America has is government spending.

RUSH: Steve Wynn, Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas. He is right on the money.
You can say what you want about Las Vegas and the gaming industry, but I have a great deal of respect for a guy like Steve Wynn. He almost single-handedly made the Las Vegas Strip what it is today. He parlayed a small land investment into fund to buy the Golden Nugget in downtown. From there he built The Mirage, the first of the real themed resorts. Then Treasure Island, then Bellagio, followed by Wynn Las Vegas and Encore. His stamp on the town is indelible.

He has created better lives for thousands of employees and families that count on those jobs in his hotels. Granted, others have been damaged as a result of gambling activities, but nobody is forced to go there and wager their money.

His sparring with Gov. Jennifer Granholm on Fox News Sunday was classic. Granholm is presiding over a one-state depression. By the time her term ends the state will have lost over 1,000,000 private sector jobs, and yet she pretends to lecture Wynn on the proper role of government in the private sector. Wynn demolished her. Her credibility in economics is zero.

America needs more entrepreneurs and far fewer government bureaucrats.


Anonymous said...

You're kidding, right? Wynn couldn't be more wrong. GI Bill educated millions of US citizens. Ditto for Pell grants, etc. Maybe it's time to reconsider Wynn's brilliance??

Rick Moore said...

Government didn't educate those people, they just provide some funding. The real work was done by the individuals who chose to go to school, do well, and take their training into the workforce. It's a stretch to credit government for the real work done by the individual.

No reconsideration needed.

Anonymous said...

Take away the GI bill and Pell grants and see how many of those people would have completed their education. Lots of reconsideration needed.

Rick Moore said...

So, none of these people could have been successful without a government handout? I think you badly underestimate your fellow citizens.

Anonymous said...

Nowhere did I suggest that "none of those people" would have finished. That was your statement, not mine. I suggested that some unknown percentage wouldn't have finished. I'd suggest to you that without the GI bill some percentage wouldn't have even started school.

72% of Vietnam vets availed themselves of GI bill benefits, 51% of WWII veterans. Take away the benefits, some of those people wouldn't have completed their educations - we would have a less-educated population and they would have a lower standard of living.

Also, didn't not having to pay back student loans improve their standard of living? Obviously, yes.

Michael Smith said...

Mr. Wynn also added jobs to NJ by creating the Golden Nugget casino in AC back in the 80's. But that was before the NJ Gaming Commission ran him out of the state.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wynn's accomplishments pale in comparison to what was accomplished by the GI bill and similar programs. And he sort of overlooked the abolition of slavery which was accomplished by the government. And the increased standard of living after world war II that was caused in part by the fact that the government paid so much money to build up industry during the war. And Steve forgot to mention the technology advances that came from DARPA, NASA, and other government-funded programs, many of whose workers were educated by the GI bill and all of whose salaries were paid directly or indirectly by the government. So, come on people, admit it, Wynn really missed it big time...

Nightingale said...

Government funding for students from Vietnam and WWII is ancient history. Those were the days when students knew they had to work hard to achieve anything.

I work in the college system, and I see way too many "career students" who have nowhere to go, since they can't seem to hold a job, so they hang out at state-subsidized junior college for years. Then there are state-funded students who are appalled that they have to study...because it's "so hard"; because their "free" high school education was treated with disdain.

Time to resurrect trade schools...not everyone is cut out for a 4-year degree. And it's a fact of human nature that people respect that which costs them something. Education, health care...they're treated with disrespect if they're free.