HolyCoast: This is How You Respond to Cheap Shots
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Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is How You Respond to Cheap Shots

I hate it when people demand apologies, even if they're warranted. If someone insults you or says nasty untrue things about you, demanding an apology accomplishes exactly nothing. You know the apology, if given, is not sincere and it makes the demander look like a thin-skinned whiner.

There's a better way. When someone takes a cheap shot at me (as occasionally happens in the comments and sometimes even on other blogs), you won't ever see me demand an apology. I just take the good sense of humor that I periodically demonstrate and go into full mockery mode. Turning the guns back on the attacker is the best way to make sure they go away with their tails between their legs.

Chris Christie is a Republican running for governor of New Jersey, and according to some polls appears to have a slight lead over Gov. Jon Corzine, the liberal Democrat who has made a real mess of things in that state. No Republican should be able to win in such a blue state, but Christie has a very good chance of knocking Corzine off.

Christie is a large fellow. Nowadays you don't see many portly men running for high office (thanks largely to TV). Corzine has been taking cheap and not too veiled shots at Christie's girth, and in this day of metrosexual politics, you'd probably expect Christie to demand an apology.

You'd be wrong. Watch this and see how Christie deals with the issue with humor and very effectively mocks Corzine. Some political analysts think this one appearance could turn the election to Christie:


jan said...

This was one of the most entertaining and refreshing election interviews we will ever hear. I love the lack of entitlement and contrariness. Good grief, when have we laughed recently for the sake of laughing and not sacrificing someone's integrity? He would have my vote for this and many more conservative reasons.

Goofy Dick said...

It was nice to hear someone who is running for public office not to respond to the other opponent with cutting, obnoxious, or dumb answers. Christie didn't respond to his opponent with anything derogatory. Christie would get my vote since he also backs most of the conservative efforts of the party.