HolyCoast: Barbarians at the Gate
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Friday, November 27, 2009

Barbarians at the Gate

And they got in:
The Secret Service is investigating "how two would-be cast members in the forthcoming The Real Housewives of Washington TV show crashed the White House state dinner," Bloomberg reports.

"It may have been the first time since the presidency of Richard Nixon that anyone crashed a state dinner, according to Ronald Kessler, author of a book on the Secret Service."

Meanwhile, the New York Times reports the cable network Bravo confirmed that its cameras were following and filming the couple.
Let's see, we have MTV's Real World being allowed to film behind the White House podium, and Oprah doing a Christmas show in the White House with The Obama's. No wonder Obama hasn't been able to come up with an answer for the problems in Afghanistan - he's too busy running a TV studio.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

And the Big O's people are now trying to find a way to press charges against this couple.

What a bunch of boobs.