HolyCoast: A Little Strategery?
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Saturday, November 07, 2009

A Little Strategery?

Just a thought - Nancy Pelosi is going to allow a vote on the anti-abortion funding amendment offered by Rep. Bart Stupak, a pro-life Democrat. While some pro-lifers are happy about that, others fear the passage of that amendment will clear the way for pro-life Democrats to support the main health bill, thus ensuring passage.

Some of the lefties in the Dem party have said they wouldn't support the bill if abortion funding were removed, but my guess is most of them would go ahead and vote for it figuring they could add it back later.

I wonder of anybody in the GOP leadership has considered having enough Republicans vote "present" to ensure the amendment doesn't pass, and thus keep those pro-life Dems from voting for final passage?

It's a chess game, that's for sure.

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