HolyCoast: Obama's Denial Czar
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Friday, November 27, 2009

Obama's Denial Czar

She used to be the Climate Change Czar but now she's Queen of Denial:
Obama administration climate czar Carol Browner on Wednesday rejected claims that e-mails stolen from a British university show climate scientists trumped up global warming numbers, saying she considers the science settled.

"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real," said Ms. Browner, who President Obama has tapped as his chief of policy on global warming.
And these 2,500 scientists - did they actually study the climate or merely sign on to documents that were based on the bad science produced by Michael Mann or Phil Jones, or perhaps the hysterical rants of Al Gore and James Hansen? Since the major promoters of global warming refused to provide the source data for their S.W.A.G. calls on the climate, my guess is these 2,500 scientists wanted to be part of the cool kids and signed on to globaloney to avoid ridicule and becoming outcasts among their scientific brethren.

Browner is an avowed socialist who would love nothing more than to cripple capitalism and impose draconian controls over people's lives through carbon regulation. She doesn't want to lose her job, so of course she'll ignore the evidence that the whole global warming farce was a fraud.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

Browner (unfortunate, but apt name) can hang out with the 2,500 bozos who signed that ridiculous letter. The rest of us will go with the 17,000 scientists who think the jury's still out on global warming/change/baloney.