HolyCoast: Bush Adjusting to Life Outside the White House
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bush Adjusting to Life Outside the White House

This item from Washington Whispers:
George W. Bush is finally recovering from presidentialitis. Recent visitors tell us that the Decider has had difficulty adjusting to life outside of the White House. But now he's in great spirits, looking younger and wrapping up work on his autobiography. New on that front is his addition of how God; his dad, the former president; and his wife have influenced his life.
I'm sure it's a major adjustment to go from leader of the free world to just another citizen (albeit a citizen with Secret Service protection). And I'm also sure it's difficult to see Obama and the Dems make such a mess of everything and not be able to do anything about it.

He left on a rather bad note with the American people - pretty low approval numbers and the mocking of the Obama crowd. A year later his numbers have significantly improved and Obama has left many voters nostalgic for the Bush presidency.

No wonder he's feeling better these days.

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