HolyCoast: Christmas Photo of the Day
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Photo of the Day

From Washington D.C.:

This picture caught my eye, not only because of the obvious beauty of it, but because earlier this week I had a story from Sonoma County, CA in which an atheist demanded the city remove all stars and angels from Christmas trees in city office buildings. He claimed it was a violation of separation of church and state because of the religious connection with the Star of Bethlehem. The county complied.

Apparently the Feds haven't gotten that message yet since this tree is owned and maintained by the National Park Service and is literally covered with stars.

Either the Feds are violating the Constitution or the county leaders in Sonoma County are a bunch of wimps.



Nightingale said...

I heard the wimps in Sonoma are twice the wimps. First they ban "religious" symbols because of one grumpy atheist, then they rescinded the ban because of a public backlash.

No cojones in NorCal. They blow with the wind.

Rick Moore said...

Thanks for the update, Nightengale. I hadn't seen that.

Herman said...

The County Leaders in Sonoma County have their head where the sun don't shine. Yes, they are a bunch of WIMPS indeed. Glad they finally gave in to public outcry, why should a few jerks make the majority suffer?

Anonymous said...

It's about time that more Christians speak up for what we believe in. I'm tired of non-believers tryiing to use the argument of "separation of Church and State". They should re-read the Constitution. This is a Christian Nation by Birth. The problem is we have lost our way and let these people decide what should be...