HolyCoast: Global One Child Policy Reappears
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Friday, December 11, 2009

Global One Child Policy Reappears

Jonah Goldberg writes at The Corner about an old idea which has resurfaced from the ooze:

One of the simultaneously heartening and dismaying aspects of the Obama era is how it demonstrates that bad ideas never, ever, ever, die. They can go into remission, to be sure, but the the bacillus lives on. Via Drudge, I just read this hideous call for a planetary one-child policy.

I don't have the time to go through all of the arguments why Diane Francis's supposedly brave truth-telling is disgusting and idiotic, but the good news is that I'll have plenty of opportunities in the future!

But one point does cry out to be made. Imagine if someone wrote an op-ed saying that we need a planetary ban on abortion. Feminists would get their dresses over their heads in outrage about such a naked assault on "reproductive freedom." But here is a woman in a very prestigious Canadian newspaper arguing, in effect, that every country in the world should force women everywhere to have an abortion if they already have a child. Put aside, for a moment, the pro-life objections to this. Even if you think the unborn are really just a bunch of cells, mere "uterine contents" with no more moral import than fingernail clippings, how on earth can anyone believe in "reproductive freedom" and not be absolutely horrified by the police-state evil of such proposals?

This is all part of the takeover of human life that the global warming crowd wants. It's not about saving the planet, it's about controlling the world.


Nightingale said...

How ironic. There was a movie-of-the-week called "The Last Child," that came out in 1971...the global cooling years.

In that movie a couple was trying to escape to Canada to avoid draconian population control laws in the US that would have forced the woman in the story to have an abortion because she was pregnant with her second child...the first child died shortly after birth.

The movie is listed under the drama/sci-fi genre.

Linda said...

My son and daughter-in-law are expecting #5, and we wouldn't give up one of them.

This is a draconian idea that needs to be snuffed out. Of course, we will probably be taken over by China, but so far we are still a reasonably free nation, so I hope we don't get caught up in this.

Bob Hughes said...

Diane Francis (the author) has two children already. I wonder which one she is planning to kill in order to save the planet?

Anonymous said...

There is no question that those who favor The one-world-government type controls that a treaty from Copenhagen would bring also favor population control. Some have even gone on record that the current level of population needs to be actively reduced. The spiritual battle is on, as it has been throughout history. There is a side of life and light, and there is a side of death and darkness, and there is no middle ground.

Underdog said...

You've got that right, Guy Average. There is no middle ground.

Either you are for life, or against life. Either you are for Him, or against Him. Period!

Kat said...

I think that it's best to encourage one or two children families. Simply a better quality of life, IMHO, YMMV. But there is a BIG difference between a few PSA messages about how great a small family is, and MANDATING that you get sterilized and/or must abort all pregnancies after one!