HolyCoast: Health Care is Not About Saving America, but Beating the GOP
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Health Care is Not About Saving America, but Beating the GOP

Look at this item from the NY Times:
Faced with Republican opposition that many Democrats saw as driven more by politics than policy disagreements, Senate Democrats in recent days gained new determination to bridge differences among themselves and prevail over the opposition.

Lawmakers who attended a private meeting between Mr. Obama and Senate Democrats at the White House on Tuesday pointed to remarks there by Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat of Indiana, as providing some new inspiration.

Mr. Bayh said that the health care measure was the kind of public policy he had come to Washington to work on, according to officials who attended the session, and that he did not want to see the satisfied looks on the faces of Republican leaders if they succeeded in blocking the measure.
In other words, Bayh's ego couldn't stand the thought that the GOP might succeed in stopping this monstrosity.

This dispute is not about politics but very much about policy differences. The idea that any Republican actually supports this mess but won't vote for it because the Dems would claim victory is just nonsense. This bill was not bipartisan because Harry Reid wouldn't let the GOP participate in the drafting or in adding any amendments to the finished product.

I hope the voters in Indiana remember this passage when it comes time to vote on Bayh's future. I'd like to see the satisfied looks on their faces when they vote him out.

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