HolyCoast: High School Crooners Visit Hooters
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Friday, December 18, 2009

High School Crooners Visit Hooters

A Texas correction, Arizona music teacher has run afoul of the district brass for taking her group out to lunch at Hooters:
A valley music teacher has been placed on administrative leave after taking 40 students to a Hooters restaurant.

Paradise Valley School District spokesman Judi Willis says choir director Mary Segall accompanied students to an event and during the day, the students ate lunch at Hooters.

The restaurant is known for its waitresses wearing revealing clothing.

Willis says Segall told officials that Hooters was the only restaurant that could accommodate the group. The district believes that other options were available for lunch in downtown Phoenix.

Willis says Segall was to retire in January and does not know if she will be returning to school before then.

This is really an overblown reaction. If you've been on a high school campus lately you've seen dress styles a lot more revealing than anything you'll find at Hooters.

If there's any punishment due it's for taking kids to a restaurant that serves mediocre food.

And besides, high school choirs have a hard time getting boys to join. Maybe an annual Hooters lunch will fix that.


Anonymous said...

Actually, that's a story about an Arizona teacher -- Paradise Valley is adjacent to Scottsdale -- that was reported in a Texas newspaper.

Robb said...

Hey, at least it was a female teacher!

Goofy Dick said...

School kids do not need to be in the Hooter's envionment and the teacher should have known better. I hope the school district gives her the early boot.